Wednesday, August 25, 2010

What Made Ronald Reagan The "Great Communicator"

The Great Communicator.
Ronald Reagan was able articulate his ideas better than anyone else of his time. He was indisputably one of the best speakers God has ever blessed this earth with. He was able to spread an idea through the entire country in a matter of months the idea of American exceptionalism and that capitalism is the best economic philosophy we have. He could move people with his speeches and make them understand complex problems in simple terms. So what made him the "great communicator"?

No Matter Who You Were You Could Relate To Him.
Ronald Reagan had the uncommon ability to connect with you on a personal level even if you never met him in person. This lead to massive support even across party lines, fostering a new kind of political alignment, "The Reagan Democrat".

He Knew How To Gain Your Trust.
Even people who just saw him on T.V. trusted him. He was down to earth, he talked to you like a normal, person not like a Washington politician. You knew you could trust every word he said.

He Could Make You Laugh.
Ronald Reagan had a great sense of humor. This added to his being viewed as a normal guy. He always had a joke to tell (often at his own expense) and could bring a room of sullen reporters to their knees with laughter.

He Could Move You Emotionally.
He knew how to bring you to tears with the story of oppressed peoples in the USSR and Cuba.

He Knew How To use The Media Of His Day.

As you can see in this video, Reagan knew how to use television to communicate with and inspire the American people. Ronald Reagan was able to do what few today can, he moved a nation in thirty minutes and changed the political climate for 20 years.

Ronald Reagan was the great communicator for all of the above reasons, and because he was right! We as a nation must return to Reagan's principles and beliefs, if we want to,  as he so eloquently put it, "preserve this, the last, best hope of mankind on earth."

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