Saturday, September 4, 2010

Do You Know What The Pledge Of Allegiance Means?

The Pledge of allegiance has become little more that a nursery rhyme to children. Why is this? It is because from the time they enter the school system they are taught to recite it every morning without ever being told the meaning of the words. I have no problem with school children reciting the pledge every morning, I do it my self. But we need to explain the mening of the pledge to them first. So I am going to break it down and explain it.

I Pledge Allegiance,
This phrase is likely the most over looked phrase in the pledge, and yet one of the most serious and powerful. These are not hollow words they have meaning and it a powerful meaning. When you say these words you are pledging on your sacred honor a promise that should not be taken lightly.

To The Flag,
The flag is a physical representation of the ideas that the country was founded on. By pledging allegiance to it we are actually pledging allegiance to the ideas that the country was founded upon.

And To The Republic For Which It Stands,
You are pledging allegiance to the country regardless of who is in charge of the government at the time. This is not a pledge to the government and sould not be thought of as such. It is a pledge to the constitutional government and is only valid as long as the government says within its constitutional bounds.

One Nation Under God,
Notice there is no comma, it does not say "one nation, under God" that would imply that these two things are separable when in fact they are not. Without God America will cease to be 'one nation'. So we need to stop thinking "one nation....... under God" and start thinking "one nation under God".

Though we Americans may not agree on everything when push come to shove we all stand in unison for our country. When they crashed those plains into the Twin Towers almost nine years ago their goal was to destroy the American way of life, they failed instead they unified us and sent a red, white, and blue tsunami headed straight for themselves.

With Liberty And Justice For All.
Thousands of immigrants flock to america for this very reason. Not because we offer an equal ending but because we offer an equal starting point, meaning we don't guarantee that you will be as successful as Donald Trump but that you start with the same chance to be successful as Donald Trump. And because you are free to choose what you want to do for a living.

If you agree please share  

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

What Made Ronald Reagan The "Great Communicator"

The Great Communicator.
Ronald Reagan was able articulate his ideas better than anyone else of his time. He was indisputably one of the best speakers God has ever blessed this earth with. He was able to spread an idea through the entire country in a matter of months the idea of American exceptionalism and that capitalism is the best economic philosophy we have. He could move people with his speeches and make them understand complex problems in simple terms. So what made him the "great communicator"?

No Matter Who You Were You Could Relate To Him.
Ronald Reagan had the uncommon ability to connect with you on a personal level even if you never met him in person. This lead to massive support even across party lines, fostering a new kind of political alignment, "The Reagan Democrat".

He Knew How To Gain Your Trust.
Even people who just saw him on T.V. trusted him. He was down to earth, he talked to you like a normal, person not like a Washington politician. You knew you could trust every word he said.

He Could Make You Laugh.
Ronald Reagan had a great sense of humor. This added to his being viewed as a normal guy. He always had a joke to tell (often at his own expense) and could bring a room of sullen reporters to their knees with laughter.

He Could Move You Emotionally.
He knew how to bring you to tears with the story of oppressed peoples in the USSR and Cuba.

He Knew How To use The Media Of His Day.

As you can see in this video, Reagan knew how to use television to communicate with and inspire the American people. Ronald Reagan was able to do what few today can, he moved a nation in thirty minutes and changed the political climate for 20 years.

Ronald Reagan was the great communicator for all of the above reasons, and because he was right! We as a nation must return to Reagan's principles and beliefs, if we want to,  as he so eloquently put it, "preserve this, the last, best hope of mankind on earth."

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Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Why Term Limits Are Bad For Democracy.

Term Limits Are The lazy Man's Way Out.
Term Limits are supported mostly by people who are too lazy to do the work to get bad politicians voted out of office. They wan't to not have to work to inform the populus.

Term Limits discourage good candidates from running  
If a person you oppose will be forced out of office in 4 years  you are less likely to risk your fortune to run for office. you might have been the next Ronald Reagan but we will never know because you didn't run because you had no reason to.

Term Limits Take Away The People's Rights
In our system of government we have a right to be represented by anyone we wan't, corrupt or not. if i want Charlie Rangle to represent me i have that right

We Already Have Term Limits 
We already have term limits they are called the electorate. If you don't like a politician get out your vote and vote them out.

What did you think leave a comment and let me know.

Friday, August 20, 2010

"Yes They Can", But Should They?

This week the President came out and gave what seemed to many to be an endorsement of the ground zero mosque, saying that the matter was about rights and freedoms. This outraged many americans, when confronted the president said he was not and would not comment on the wisdom of the matter. My question: why not?

"Yes They Can."
This is not and has never been a matter of rights or freedoms. No one is saying they don't have a right to build a mosque anywhere the want, no one is infringing on their religious freedom. The President portraying it as such is an obvious attempt to vilify the opponents of the mosque.

But Should They?
When you get to the root of the opposition the vast majority of them do not believe that they don't have the right, The opposition believes that this is a bad idea at best and a provocation at worst. It is not wise to build a mosque at ground zero even if the entire muslim faith are not as radical as the 9-11 attackers, it is a stigma and will be looked at as a provocation.


Thursday, August 19, 2010

Who Will "Lead The Change"

Patriot Academy
Patriot Academy is a program started Rick Green and Kathi Seay, in 2001. The best and brightest from around the country all converge on the Texas State Capitol, where they live the life of a state legislator.


We spend a good deal of time sitting in committee, which is the first step in passing a peice of legislation. It is also the best place to kill bad legislation. A committee is comprised of 15 representatives, these fifteen people become best friends in one week. I form unbreakable bonds with the people on your committee, even the ones you disagree with occasionally (Alyse ;)). You would not believe how much you can miss people you have only known for a week.

Floor Sessions

We pass legislation on the floor of the house of representatives, one of the few places in te capitol that are off limits to the general public. We act just like the legislating body, everything from working the floor to following parliamentary procedure. It is so much fun debating from the mic. you will face some of the best debaters you have ever seen, but they will teach you so much.


We are taught skills and concepts by some of the best speakers in the world, speakers like Rick Green, David Barton, Mama Seay, and Krish Dunham. These speakers are life changing.      

Awards Banquet

On the last night of the Academy we have a banquet honoring the graduates. We invite veterans who present the students with their medal and torch pin, symbolically passing the torch of freedom to the next generation.